Thursday, August 28, 2008

An inconvenient truth / Une vérité qui dérange : climate change documentary film

Chers amis/amies,

Voici ci-apres, un résumé du film documentaire dont l'auteur Al Gore est un des détenteurs du Prix Nobel de La paix 2007.
Je vous invite à regarder ce film à tout prix !!!. Merci.

Alain Fok

Une Vérité qui dérange

présenté par Al Gore

Réalisé par :
Davis Guggenhei

Synopsis Documentaire américain.
Ancien Vice-Président des Etats-Unis et candidat malheureux aux élections présidentielles de 2000, Al Gore parle d’un sujet qu’il connaît et qui le tient à cœur depuis plus d’une vingtaine d’années : le réchauffement planétaire. Debout à côté d’un écran géant et devant un public, Al Gore explique.

Le réchauffement de la planète est bien réel. Ce phénomène est causé par les activités humaines. L’humanité et les gouvernements du monde doivent impérativement y mettre un frein et renverser cette tendance. Autrement, d’ici une dizaine d’années, nous pourrions arriver à un point de non retour au delà duquel la planète pourrait voir l’extermination de la plupart des espèces qui l’habitent et notre civilisation pourrait entamer un long glissement vers sa propre destruction. Sur l’écran, des images de la terre vue de l’espace montrent des lacs qui s’assèchent, des glaciers qui fondent et des côtes qui rétrécissent.

Ces dix dernières années ont été les plus chaudes jamais enregistrées. En 2005, le continent Sud Américain a connu son premier ouragan. Les typhons dans le Pacifique ont atteint ces dernières années, des intensités jusque-là, inégalées. On note aussi des changements dans les parcours du fameux ‘Gulfstream’, courant marin responsable des saisons. L’humanité est assise sur une véritable bombe à retardement…


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thank you Bruno Julie !

Judex Lefou was the first mauritian sprinter to become No 1 in the African continent in 110m hurdles race more than a decade ago.

Richard Sunee was the first mauritian boxer to obtain a gold medal in the Commonwealth games.

Then in year 2000, two other athletes Stephen Buckland (200m race) and Eric Milazar (400m race) were the first mauritians to run an Olympic final in Sydney. They didn't get an olympic medal but they were able to show the world that Mauritius also has its place in sports at international level.

Although Mauritius has a small population with limited sports ressources and facilities compared to other countries, we have great hope that one day, one of our citizens will finally break that psychological barrier to become an olympic medalist.

And our national boxer Bruno Julie did it two days ago in Beijing... Words are not enough to describe the feelings of every mauritian about this amazing performance.


Alain Fok

* Please share your comments...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The gold medal 'trap'

A sports woman who was relatively 'unknown' to the public won the gold medal in her sports discipline four years ago at Athenes Olympic Games.

It was a great but wonderful suprise for her and for her surroundings. She became a hero for her country because she was among the first woman to win the supreme reward in a sports discipline which is traditionally 'dominated' by other countries.

But she deserved to be the Olympic champion at that time because she was really the best. She worked very hard for so many years and she was consistent in her progression. She never give up...

Four years after, she was still there at Beijing Olympic Games to defend her title. She was considered by the media to be one of the favourites but this time, she had serious competitors to challenge her No 1 status.

The pressure, the stress was so big that she failed this time. She was not even able to win a bronze medal. She feels very depressed now !!!

Hard Hard to remain at the top of the pyramid...

Alain Fok

Friday, August 8, 2008

The BIG day for Beijing Olympic Games 2008

After years of preparation and intense media pre-coverage, we just have to wait some more hours to watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games tonight.

A great global sports event which will be followed by almost 4 billions of people around the world.

This year, athletes from more than 200 countries will participate in the olympics (a record).

Apart from the sports aspect of the event which is characterised by competition, the joy of winning, the deception of losing, the desire to run faster, to jump higher and move further,
once again it will be a rare opportunity to bring together people of different cultures, beliefs, race etc... in a spiritof unity, fairness and brotherhood.

It will also be an opportunity for the Republic of China to expose its vast and rich millenium culture to the world and to show its organising skills for mega planet events.

We should not also ignore the economic and political impact for the country in organising the Olympic games.

China has all the ingredients to make this event a successful and memorable one provided that some issues such as air pollution in the capital, language barrier, freedom of expression etc... are tackled properly.

Today is Friday 08/08/08 (the figure 8 'EIGHT' is the symbol of Prosperity for the chinese).

I wish everybody a nice Beijing Olympic Games 2008 !!!

Alain Fok

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Image, Perceptions and Reality

We live in a society governed by physical appearance, perceptions, image, success, failures, power, etc... What we really are is not always what other people think about us.

Some people are good at projecting a very positive image of themselves but which does not necessarily reflect what they are in reality while others fail to project a proper image of themselves because their talks, behaviour and actions are perhaps not in harmony with their values and thoughts.

The question is what kind of image would you like to project in the society you live in ?

Do you want people to perceive you as what you really are with all your qualities and your weakness ? Or do you want to project another image of yourself : an image which either values your strengths and masks your weakness or an image which highlights your limits but undervalues your qualities ?

I think it depends on your values, your self-esteem, your life ambitions etc...

The choice is yours...

Alain Fok

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why buy simple when you can buy sophisticated...

Two years ago, I wanted to change my old mobile phone and I thus bought one of the latest and
most sophisticated mobile phones models available on the market for a little fortune. But up to now, I never or rarely used most of the functions available.

Yesterday, I bought a 'backup' mobile phone. And this time, I chose a model with the most basic functionalities. A phone which allows me to make a call, to receive a call, to exchange sms and to keep a phone list. That's all I needed and it cost me peanuts...

What I wanted to say through that example is that when we shop, we sometimes tend to buy the most sophisticated mobile phone, computers, softwares, cars, houses etc...which come with hundreds of functions/facilities and we often pay big money for that.

But do we often use or have we ever used most of the functions/facilities provided for the price we paid for ? Or it's just that we want to 'show off', we want to project the image of someone who is 'successful' in life, of someone who follows the latest trends...

Alain Fok

Monday, August 4, 2008

Music Festival

During the last weekend, a BIG two days music festival event was organised in Mauritius for the first time, where the mauritian public was able to discover some emerging foreign musicial talents from Africa, Europe and Asia. Some famous local and regional musician/singers were also able to perform on the same platform which was equipped with high quality sound facilities.

We had the opportunity to hear various music styles (blues, reggae, RNB, rock, funk, soul, seggae, maloya etc...) which were interpreted not only in english and french but also in some local languages and dialects. And it was a real pleasure for NON-COMMERCIAL music lovers to see these artists perform live.

I think it was a successful musical event and hopefully more similar events will come in the future.

However since it was an open air concert, the windy, rainy and cold climate of August (as well as the price ticket) might have discouraged many of us to come and enjoy a wonderful musical moment...

Alain Fok

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Valley of Ferney Nature Parc (Mauritius)

This nature parc which consists of 200 hectares land surface has recently been officially opened to the public.

What a natural 'treasure' for Mauritius in terms of endemic fauna and flora UNIQUE biodiversity.

One of the main objectives of this natural parc is to educate the local people and tourists on the importance of managing and protecting our natural environment.

The nature parc is part of a vast project which consists of saving, preserving and rehabilitating part of the Ferney Forest and it is a good example of the close collaboration between the government and the private sector.

However we must admit that it was a real challenge some years ago for ecology minded organisations and individuals to 'fight' for the preservation of the Ferney Forest because the latter was under the threat of partial destruction due to the construction of a highway in that area...

Alain Fok