Friday, March 28, 2008

Prejudge, a friend or enemy ?

How many times a day do we tend to prejudge people while being confronted to various situations in life ?

The way we have been educated/raised up by our parents/grandparents, our family environment, the society in which we live, our friends, our teachers/mentors, our role models, radio/television/newspaper etc… all these factors contribute directly or indirectly to make us what we are now. We acquire various knowledge and experience in our life starting from childhood to adult life and all these elements form our character and personality.

Depending on our cultural, religious, educational and social background, we might sometimes (or often) consider ourselves as superior (or inferior) to other categories of people in certain fields.

When we meet a person for the first time, the way the person behaves, speaks, is dressed up, his/her hairstyle and so on…, give us a first impression on him/her which is good or bad but which might not be the right impression…

Sometimes we will even avoid or refuse to go to a social function, a new restaurant, a cultural event, a new country etc.. because we imagine beforehand what kind of people we might meet and thus prefer to play safe..

I am not saying that we shall not prejudge people’s appearance/thinking/actions… based on our knowledge, principles, values and experience because this is human nature. But what we can do at least is to always try to keep an open mind on what we see/hear/learn/experience, and then depending on the impression we could have (whether good or bad), let us try to verify that before ‘closing’ doors to relations and opportunities to enrich ourselves in every aspects in life.

Your comments are most welcome.

Alain Fok

Monday, March 24, 2008

Victims of Climate Change ???

Climate Change : an issue which currently interests governments, ecologists, scientists, meteorologists, business organizations, university students, the global citizens etc….

According to some observations, the earth temperature is rising (since 1990) due to some factors such as industrial and motor vehicle gas pollution (heat-trapping gases) and also uncontrolled deforestation.

Possible consequences of Global Warming :-
- the ozone layer in some regions is slowly but gradually being destroyed.
- seasonal patterns are shifting.
- some regions are becoming drier while other regions are being subject to overflooding.
- cyclones are becoming more and more stronger.
- glaciers are receding at an astounding rate.

Last but not least : the sea level is rising…..

Have you heard about Carteret Islands ? The Carteret Islands are part of Papua New Guinea. The people (around 1,500) who reside in these islands live a simple non materialistic life. They have never worked (as an employee) in their life. They don’t have electricity, no phones, no television and there are no vehicles there. These people are very pacific and are socially bonded among themselves. A stress free society shall we say. Even if they are financially poor, they seem to enjoy a happy life.

Unfortunately, their current paradise situation is changing to the worst. Yes, the ocean level is rising and consequently one of the island has been divided into two because the middle part of the island has already been submerged by the sea. And according to projections, the island will be completely submerged in 10 – 15 years. This is a catastrophic scenario for the islanders and discussions concerning evacuation plans have started.

Have they become one of the first victims of global warming ? These people and many others tend to believe so...

What about Islands of the Indian Ocean such as Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives, Reunion ? Can we face kind of calamity in the future ? I don’t know the answer but don’t you think it’s time for all of us (the citizen, the government, the industries, NGOs etc…) to start considering seriously of the possible danger of global climatic change and its possible effects in our region (example : super cyclone threat, severe drought, acid rain etc…).

How can we contribute, in our daily life, as a responsible citizen to prevent further global warming ?

Alain Fok

Ps : (09 April) : Just discovered an interesting WebSite :

Happy Manchester United fans !!!

Congrats M.U fans !!! You already won the premership league...

I did not watch the match but learned that we were 10 against 11 players...

Revenge next time maybe in Champions League final !!

Alain Fok
(a Liverpool fan)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I can't live without her....

She is my best friend, my lover... She is with me 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, anytime, everywhere... I cherish her, I slept with her. But I need to feed her almost everyday because she is greedy otherwise she will leave me. She is versatile. Sometimes she speaks a lot and sometimes she remains silent as a lamb (reminds me the title of famous thriller film brrbrrbrr).
If she is not with me, I feel bad, I miss her... I realised I am addicted to her...
guess who or what ??
Alain Fok
article to be continued...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Mondialisation quand tu nous tiens !!! / Globalisation

En parlant du drapeau national, j'ai appris aux infos que la Chine nous a fait un don d'environ 200,000 drapeaux aux écoliers de Maurice et de Rodrigues. J'en ai d'ailleurs 'planté' un sur le toit de ma maison.

Quadricolore mauricien 'made in China' ???

Vos commentaires...
Referring to our national flag, I learned from news press that China donated around 200,000 flags to our school students in Mauritius and Rodrigues. I even borrowed one from my nephew and fix it on the roof of my home..

Mauritian flag ‘Made in China’ ???

Your comments are welcome
Alain Fok

Baby Seal Massacre !!!

"Once again, the world will recoil in horror at the spectacle of men battering young seals to death, before skinning the still-warm bodies for the pelt that will be turned into a fashionable accessory for the unthinking or uncaring.
And this year, as these pictures show, there is a double horror. Thanks to global warming, the ice that should provide a solid base for the pups in their first few weeks of life has melted weeks early.
As a result, they are either tipped into the water when the sea swells, or fall through the gaps in the slush. There, lacking the ability to swim, they die.
It was estimated that by the end of last week more than 90 per cent of the pups born in the southern part of the gulf had perished - approximately 260,000 seals. "

I did some other Web search on the issue. If you want more information, you can visit sites such as : -

I really can't imagine how human beings, in this century, who live in civilised societies could have done such kind of barbarian act !!!

You can take action immediately. Visit suggested website :-

Alain Fok

Pauvres piétons !!!

Que c'est agréable de marcher sur les trottoirs de Port-Louis n'est-ce pas.. euh je veux dire si on peux appeler trottoir...

Entre les pavés irréguliers qui risquent de tordre votre cheville, les vehicules mal garés, les marchands ambulants (ou plutots marchands immobiles) qui pensent que les trottoirs = shopping centre, les blablas interminables entres femmes (et les hommes), le couple amoureux main dans la main (ou des ménages à trois hehehe), bref c'est un véritable parcours du combattant pour pouvoir circuler à l'aise.

Alors, armez vous de patience et de courtoisie car vous en aurez bien besoin si vous empruntez les rues principales de la Capitale durant les business hours.

Suggestion : attendez la tombée de la nuit ou les week ends pour faire des ballades et de préférence seul/seule...

Alain Fok

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fier d'etre mauricien / Proud to be a Mauritian ?

Je commence mon premier article en français. I begin my first article in french.

Comme vous savez, la République de Maurice (Mauritius Republic) vient de féter ses 40 ans d'indépendance le 12 Mars.

Bien que 200,000 drapeaux nationaux ont été distribués aux écoliers, sur combien de maisons peut-on voir flotter le quadricolore mauricien ? Je dirai pas plus de 5 % ....

Est-ce que les mauriciens ont la fibre patriotique ? Bien sur nous ne pouvons mesurer le degré de patriotisme du citoyen mauricien uniquement aux nombres de drapeaux plantés sur les maisons de l'ile. Ce serait trop simpliste comme conclusion n'est-ce pas...

C'est quoi le mauricianisme pour vous ? Est-ce qu'en 2008, on se considère mauricien avant tout avant de dire qu'on appartient à telle ou telle communauté ?

Je laisse le débat ouvert. Vos commentaires sont les bienvenus...


Mauritius Republic celebrated its 40th independence anniversary recently on 12th March.

Although 200,000 national flags were distributed to our school students, I guess you could see the national flag floating on about only 5% of the total number of houses on the island.

Can we say that mauritian people are proud to be considered as a mauritian ? Of course, we cannot simply rely on statistical observations (5%) to mesure the sense of belonging to our homeland.

How do we describe mauritianism ? Can we say, in 2008, that we are just Mauritian instead of mentioning our belonging to a given community ?

This is an open discussion. Your comments are most welcome.

Alain Fok