Friday, July 4, 2008

Do you like 'Shortcuts' ?

Imagine yourself waiting for some time in a long queue :-

to pay your telephone/electicity/water bills
in supermarkets
at the bus station
to drive in the capital at peak time
to get a permit


or competing with others :-

to obtain a business contract
to be promoted to a higher position
to get elected

How would you feel if somebody who come after you in the waiting list
managed to 'get served' before you or obtain something that you strongly believe you deserve it most ?

Is the person smarter than you ?

This is the true reality that we have to face in our daily life. We are living in a modern jungle
and some people think that because of their position and status, of their power, of their contacts etc..., they deserve to always be among the first to be served and at any cost.

Patience is a quality that even the richest or the most powerful man cannot buy.

I believe that people who choose non ethical 'shortcuts' at any cost to become successful in any aspect of his/her life (education, business, job, relationship, wealth etc...) might
be 'admired' but will certainly not gain 'respect' from the society.

Alain Fok

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