Friday, July 25, 2008

How much do you love animals ?

Some people don't like animals.

Some people are even ready to kill them just for pleasure or money.

Some people love only domestic animals such as dogs and cats which they consider as 'pets'.

And there are those people who accept animals as they are whether they are domestic or wild.

These people will always fight for animal rights and animal protection because they strongly believe that every living creature deserve to be well treated and get the chance to emancipate in their natural environment.

But how many people are ready to become animal protection activists in our today's society ?

To which of the above categories do you belong to ?

Alain Fok


Osmund Kilrule said...

In our world of violence and indifference the first question would be: How much do i love my fellow humans? Then, afterwards, everything will flow of itself, such as the love of animals which is but a subset of the love we are called to have for Nature. I further think that human fellowship and nature mindedness are two indissociable partners on the path of human progress, if not the essential elements thereof.

Very interesting blog.
Gael, Cap Malheureux.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments Gael :) You are lucky to live in such a wonderful place at Cap Malheureux.

You are right when you say that we must also love our fellow humans. I will add that we shall also try to discover our SELF, to accept our SELF, to love our SELF and accept to improve our SELF if we want to love and to respect others.