Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The gold medal 'trap'

A sports woman who was relatively 'unknown' to the public won the gold medal in her sports discipline four years ago at Athenes Olympic Games.

It was a great but wonderful suprise for her and for her surroundings. She became a hero for her country because she was among the first woman to win the supreme reward in a sports discipline which is traditionally 'dominated' by other countries.

But she deserved to be the Olympic champion at that time because she was really the best. She worked very hard for so many years and she was consistent in her progression. She never give up...

Four years after, she was still there at Beijing Olympic Games to defend her title. She was considered by the media to be one of the favourites but this time, she had serious competitors to challenge her No 1 status.

The pressure, the stress was so big that she failed this time. She was not even able to win a bronze medal. She feels very depressed now !!!

Hard Hard to remain at the top of the pyramid...

Alain Fok


Jennifer said...

Hi Alain,
Very nice articles but I think personnally that you should input some pics so that more people can be interested with it. U r very intelligent. I saw ur profile. U knw am job consist 2 organised conference/ seminar, etc ... so if u r looking 4 a venue 4 ur seminar. Please feel free to contact me. I will be very honored to welcome u.

Best regards,

Anonymous said...

Thks Jennifer for your comments and suggestions.

Most of my pics are quite heavy in kilobytes... but Will try to include some more pics...

I don't think i'm very intelligent as you said. I just want to share my thoughts and views on some issues and also try to make people give some thoughts on these issues too...

And you know I write my articles according to my mood and inspiration of the day...
